Hello! This morning I did an 8 mile run as well as was pleased to discover the water fountain along the path has been fixed as well as I don’t have to tongue the spout to really get some h2o. Fancy.
Then, I headed to my mom’s home since my parents needed me to take my bit brother to 8th grade registration at institution today.
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Marathon training Day 5
Marathon training Running blog – Run eat Repeat. training plan day 5.
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Zhrnutie podcastu od 6. augusta
We had to pick up his schedule, books as well as PE clothes. as well as somehow I got stuck really bring the load. I’m thinking about this my stamina work for the day.
On the method house from one more ‘back to school’ task something caught my eye…
“Wait. holy shit! That’s a Dunkin Donuts!?!?!” – things Monican would have stated if her 13 year old bit sibling wasn’t in the vehicle
I proceeded to thoroughly make a U turn as well as state that I was living in the car parking great deal up until it opened.
I was inappropriately excited. It’s ridiculous. as well as Matt doesn’t comprehend why I’d be so thrilled about a location that, “doesn’t even have great donuts, however has amazing iced coffee” – Monican.
(Top from Stitchfix)
Then I did a bit pleased dance,
that was most likely much more like this.
This soon to be Dunkin Donuts is in Downey, CA for those of you that asked through instagram. It’s very close to Pico what what where I grew up as well as I will most likely be purchasing genuine estate next door extremely soon.
After that enjoyment Matt as well as I headed to train for lunch. except it was truly congested so we got our food to go as well as headed back to my parent’s.
The great believe about eating at house is all the totally free AVOCADO courtesy of the tree in the back. Love.
Then, I went with our Halloween costume boxes. I had an concept for my Disneyland half Marathon running costume, however now I’m having second thoughts.
I went to the store to get some supplies for a Merida costume yesterday, however now I’m believing running with my hair down in August is the worst concept ever. We’ll see what I decide…
Question: What would you rather have – totally free Avocado or totally free Coffee?
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