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Today I’m speaking with the champion of the Catalina Marathon. If you’re not familiar – it’s a path marathon on Catalina Island, just off the coastline of southern California. It’s been called a container listing race as well as named one of the most gorgeous programs in the us by tons of runners.
I ran the race a while back as well as it’s beautiful however it’s a extremely difficult course. So I was so thrilled when I was just scrolling with instagram as well as saw that my genuine life buddy won 1st location female. Úžasný!! So we’re chatting about the race, her training as well as what’s next. I’ll share my race recap at the end of this publish in situation you’re right here for some suggestions as well as information on the race.
New to the Run eat Repeat podcast? Ahoj!! thanks for stopping by!
I’m Monica – I started to share my very first full marathon training as well as diet plan journal. The site grew an incredible complying with as well as now it’s this podcast too! say thanks to you for listening!
Let’s begin with a warm up…
1. I’m freezing my eggs.
I talked with a fertility expert on a previous podcast episode… Egg Freezing as well as getting expecting for active women episode 92.
Check out the messages I’ve done so far about the process:
I’m Freezing My Eggs Day 1 Announcement
Freezing My Eggs – Week 1 inspect In
Egg Freeze – exactly how the injections at house are going
2. Diego is 5 months old!
He had explosive diarrhea the other day.
But right here he is with bunny ears on… so at least there’s that.
Note: Diego my lil golden Retriever puppy is a lil wild in the background of the interview. I apologize as well as I’m going to try as well as figure it out for future podcasts.
Main Event: Catalina Marathon champion Pam Sanchez
Interview with Pam Sanchez champion of the Catalina Marathon! Pam ran the race for the very first time as well as is relatively new to path marathons… however she won 1st location female as well as is on a objective to run better, quicker as well as longer. Her long term goal is a 100 mile race!
You can comply with Pam on Instagram she’s @PammyRuns
Pam’s preferred Running Gear:
Nathan handheld water bottle
Goodr Sunglasses
Asics Running Shoes
Adidas Tank
ProCompression Socks
Garmin running watch
Flip Belt
Speed round Questions:
What’s your preferred race distance as well as why?
Half Marathon… I was amazed by that!
What’s your preferred race?
The new York City Marathon
Do you have a running mantra or exactly how do you inspire yourself when you’re not feeling it?
Courage to begin – belief to Finish.
Push yourself sufficient to understand you provided it your all.
What have you been listening to lately?
Podcasts & Music… however less lately since path running doesn’t always enable for that.
What’s your success lap? (What do you eat after a race?)
I hope that was fun as well as informative!
You can comply with Pam on Instagram @PammyRuns as well as I’ll put photos in the show notes!
Catalina Island Posts:
Catalina Marathon Race Day recap as well as Pictures
Catalina Island travel (day trip)
Catalina Marathon training – online training program with trainer Steve
Take a deep breath… let it out…. Take a one more breath as well as believe about a buddy that you’re happy of… perhaps text them as well as let them understand you’re believing about them as well as are happy of them.
Ďakujem za počúvanie!
Remember to label @RunEatRepeat on instagram as well as let me understand what you’re doing best now! like Pam discovering in shape who listened to the last episode on a run as well as shared her post-run selfie!
Have a fantastic one!
Running trainer as well as Running friend – Podcast interview form
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