half Marathon Race morning routine video – right here is my morning routine for race day. I’m sharing whatever from get up time to what I drink while getting prepared to what I eat before a race. I try to plan out what I’m going to wear, eat, drink, time-line, post-race needs as well as more. This video is precisely what I did, what I ate, exactly how I prepped before a half marathon.
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Marathon training Day 2
This pre-race routine is footage from the morning of the OC half Marathon. It was a extremely early wake-up as well as I truly was getting prepared to get to the starting line as well as run 13.1 miles so I’m a bit anxious – however that’s genuine life! Race morning can be stressful as well as I get anxious every time. however planning out your run or race morning can assist simplicity your nerves a bit. checkout exactly how I get prepared to run as well as let me understand if you have any type of questions!
And the OC Marathon & half Marathon is next weekend!!
LAST contact us to register as well as save with discount rate code: RUNEATREPEAT10
Half Marathon Race morning routine Video:
(Watch the full video on YT or FB now. They’re precisely the exact same – just providing ya choices on where to watch.)
* half Marathon Race morning routine by means of YouTube *
* half Marathon Race morning routine by means of Facebook *
Half Marathon Race Day Tips:
Lay out all your gear the night before.
Make sure your phone / enjoy / other are charged as well as prepared to go.
Plan out your drinks as well as food that you’ll eat / drink before the race.
Know exactly how you’ll get to the race, directions as well as where to park.
Double inspect race begin time, exactly how long it will take to get there, park as well as get to the starting line.
If you’re satisfying up with good friends or household interact where you’ll satisfy them.
If they’re spectating the race – tell them what you’ll be using as well as about exactly how quick you’ll be running.
Pack a post-run bag if you want a modification of clothes or specific food after the race. a lot of races have gear inspect however anything that’s not necessary you can keep in your cars and truck or provide to your spectators to hold.
Half Marathon gear I utilized in this video:
Pro Compression Visor
Sunglasses – look for 100% UV security & polarized
Brooks sports Bra – any type of Day sports Bra
Run eat Repeat tee shirt – offered in my Spreadshirt shop
Road Runner sports Shorts – 8” Recharge Shorts
Pro Compression Socks
Brooks Running shoes – save 20% at road Runner sports >> (where I get my shorts as well as shoes) >> when you utilize code RUNEATREPEAT to indication up for their VIP Program. Or save 10% utilizing code RUNEATREPEAT if you make a purchase without VIP club signup.
Sports Sunblock
Garmin GPS Running enjoy – I have the Garmin Forerunner 235
Check out the Race discount rates page to save on a lot more races now!
The Lexus lace Up in Irvine 5K offered OUT! as well as the half marathon is extremely close! So if you want to run the other lace Up Races – Ventura, Palos Verdes or Riverside – register now utilizing code MONICA10
What must I cover for my next video?
Do you have any type of certain questions? daj mi vedieť!
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